Screen-Printed Labels


Screen-Printed Labels

Screen or rotary screen-printed labels offer a versatile solution to make products more vibrant on store shelves. This technique involves applying screen printed inks directly onto the label material or the product itself.

Many brands, especially those using glass bottles, favor this method to achieve a striking, label-free appearance.

Screen-printed labels are commonly used across a broad range of packaging:
• OEM products
• Bottles
• Items with non-flat surfaces

Advantages of Screen-Printed Labels


Resistant to outdoor conditions, ensuring they remain intact without bubbling or peeling.

High Quality

Delivers excellent coverage with sharp details and vibrant color intensity.


Offers crisp text clarity and can be used with various inks, adhesives, glitters, chrome, and backlit materials.

No-Label Appearance

An affordable option to achieve a distinctive, seamless label-free look.

Tactile and Textured

Creates a noticeable visual and tactile appeal, drawing shoppers’ attention to your product.

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